
Blue Highway Scores Again!

March 7, 2020

Leave it to seasoned dancers Leonard and Marlene Zahnow to kick off the dancing to Blue Highway on Potlatch Days. Zahnows owned the famous Riverside dance hall and park from 1957 to 1962, booking such greats as Johnny Cash, Little …

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“New” Old Doors Arrive at Depot

March 7, 2020

It was exciting to be at the depot yesterday to see Jim West coming driving up in a U-Haul after a marathon trip to Portland. Hal Van De Vord, Karen Rohn, and Mike and Barb West assisted Jim in unloading …

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Finally rid of the pesky pole…

March 7, 2020

For some, it’s probably a small thing having an unused utility pole still standing when it’s no longer necessary. In the case of said pole, it’s been blocking progress at the depot because of its location, right in the way …

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Upstairs work really in high gear

March 7, 2020

It’s been quite a while since we have posted some pictures of the upstairs work at the depot, but today we caught Bob Behal, Barb West and student volunteer Jacob Ownbey working away on the staircase and the upstairs. Above, …

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New Meadows Depot Coming Along Nicely

March 7, 2020

Some years back when we were starting the depot project in Potlatch, Jack and I visited with the Adams County Historical Society as members dreamed of restoring the Pacific and Idaho Northern Railway depot at New Meadows. Stopping at the …

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Celebration Time

March 7, 2020

While the blog has been inactive for quite some time, volunteers at the Depot have not! The big news is that last week, the HPG received TWO grants: $5000 from Idaho Heritage Trust and $24,900 from the Inland Northwest Community …

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