Depot Interiors Update

The depot interiors continue to progress, so here is a little update on how things look.  Pictured above is the nice train exhibit set up, compliments of the Latah County Historical Society.  Director Dan Crandall, a staunch supporter of the depot project, has offered us the enlarged photos and memorabilia as a gift.  These would certainly look nice on our walls.  Meanwhile, the walls in the freight room are being prepped for some much-needed insulation.  Barb and Mike West were on hand the other day to do some of the dirty work, along with our Mr. Reliable, Bob Behal.
Karen Rohn, the new HPG Vice-President, stands in front of some of some of the one-of-a-kind gift items specially made for her shop, Blackbird, which is located in the depot.  The shop reflects Karen’s talents and tastes, and is worth a visit.  Shop hours are Wednesday through Saturday, 11 am to 3 pm.  Stop by and say hi to Karen, whose shop makes our depot look very classy!

Bob Behal and Jim West are two of the mainstays in finishing off the depot office, headquarters for the HPG.  The desk belonged to William Deary and came from the Latah County Historical Society as a gift.  This was Deary’s Moscow desk, and the one he used in the depot was identical.  It is a handsome piece of furniture, especially in the context of the refinished wood floors, brick walls and the historical safe in the background.
The above photos will be part of a presentation in Boise when Barb showcases the depot project during the Idaho Heritage Conference, slated for September 25-27.  It is a tribute to the project and volunteers that we were asked to be part of this conference.  Idaho Association of Museums, one of the conference sponsors, is facilitating Barb’s presentation, with Keith Petersen, Idaho State Historian, and Mary Reed, past director of Latah County Historical Society, being some of our best cheerleaders.

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